there was a boy. The special name was Mohan. He was perfect every day. Tone Than. Tone Than. He went to school one day. The meme was suggested to everyone. Mohan told. Mem was asking everyone one question each. Mohan season.
Mohan - I am really fresh in the outside.
Mem exam. What?
Mohan - ji mam
Mam - Some questions will be conscious, those are the only officers.
Mohan - Question for mem?
Mam - why?
Mohan - Mam once tried to give advice. I was advised Ever since I left him.
Ma'am - Mohan, believe in you.
Mohan - Mam I believed.
meme - can do anything to believe
Mohan - Probation in mem.
Mem - Mohalal has to walk once again.
Mohan - Yes ma'am.
In modern times, tomorrow I will take the question after consulting. Be careful from home till evening.
Kalmohan School. And meme is school. First of all, Mohan regrets with Mohan.
Mam - Mohan please ask what?
Mohan: yes mam
Mam-reserved o.
The memes are kept Mohan forever. Mum is happy. Ma'am had faith in Mohan.